Sharing the Farm

Sharing the Farm

Sharing the Farm

The Farm is a flurry of exciting activity getting ready for our first distribution of our weekly box of fresh produce planting in the fields and harvesting in our high tunnels and greenhouses! This weekly box of fresh produce is a customizable CSA share.  What is a CSA? CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, a… Read More »

The Farm is a flurry of exciting activity getting ready for our first distribution of our weekly box of fresh produce planting in the fields and harvesting in our high tunnels and greenhouses! This weekly box of fresh produce is a customizable CSA share. 

What is a CSA? CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, a program where a member enrolls to receive a “share of the farm”. That share is a weekly box of the freshest produce in season with options to fully customize the contents. New this year, our farm has added more weeks to enjoy eating farm-fresh fruits and vegetables longer into the season. Our Farmer’s Harvest membership has increased to 34 weeks (from 31), our Heart of the Harvest membership 22 weeks (from 20), and our Jersey Essentials membership 12 weeks (from 10). This exciting update was made possible by implementing new production methods allowing us to extend our harvest season which benefits you. Consider joining our CSS during pre-season for the best savings. Choose Farmers Harvest, Heart of the Harvest, or Jersey Essentials program. Learn more about becoming a member here

Enrolling in a CSA allows you and your family to eat in harmony with the seasons while introducing you to a whole new world of healthy fruits and veggies! Fruits and vegetables that naturally ripen in the fields are more nutritious as they are picked at the peak of flavor and maturity and delivered to you. Fresh-picked produce also tastes more flavorful which makes it more enjoyable to eat your fruits and vegetables every day! Our members love being able to try new produce that they may have never experienced before such as donut peaches, fairy eggplant, kohlrabi, sugar plums, and so many others! Growing over 250 varieties of fruits and vegetables ensures that our members are introduced to a rainbow of produce in each weekly box. Tips and recipes from our culinary specialists make it easy to prepare your box contents and make the most out of your membership. 

Your freshly inspired box lets you revel in new discoveries each week. You’ll enjoy freshly picked produce staples as well as a constantly changing adventure of newly ripened crops—in a delightful variety that unfolds throughout the year. Want to see what our typical CSA weeks look like? Visit our archives page to see what we offer.

Members also receive many other perks including invitations to special CSA member events throughout the year, along with a special CSA day, where members get to meet the farmers and see how their food is grown! We offer the longest CSA share in New Jersey so you can eat farm fresh, and healthy, all season long. 


How do we offer the longest CSA share season in our area? We utilize other season extension techniques for growing such as expanded high tunnel operations. Our farm production team immersed themselves in learning new growing techniques this winter at conferences, by networking, and on the farm. Our team was eager to start sowing and thus have all of our high tunnels planted to ensure a plentiful harvest for our first CSA share boxes. Our first share begins April 28th and we are excited to share the bounty with our members. 


We make it convenient for you to pick up your weekly box at a variety of locations near you. From our farm store in Chester, our farm stands in Bridgewater, Chester, Jefferson/Wharton to our farmers markets throughout the state, it’s easy to eat farm fresh each week. There are also plenty of chapter locations in your neighborhood too or start your own! Our farm stands (located in Chester & Bridgewater) open back up for the season on Friday, April 26th, just in time for our first share of CSA. What are you waiting for? There is still time to enroll, visit our website for more information.