Time to Plant

Time to Plant

Time to Plant

It’s Mid May here in Chester NJ, and that means it’s safe to plant without fear of frost in this region, so it’s time to get outside to the garden. Gardening is such a great pastime with so many added benefits. It can help reduce stress, helps you connect with nature while staying active, and… Read More »

It’s Mid May here in Chester NJ, and that means it’s safe to plant without fear of frost in this region, so it’s time to get outside to the garden. Gardening is such a great pastime with so many added benefits. It can help reduce stress, helps you connect with nature while staying active, and you get to eat the fruits of your labor, literally! 

Our farm store is fully stocked with plenty of herb transplants along with annuals and perennials to compliment your home décor. The easiest way to add color and texture to your outdoor landscape is to plant herbs in pots. Basil, dill, oregano, parsley, thyme, lavender and mint are some of the more commonly known herbs and do well when planted in May as they are frost resistant. Herbs are a great natural pest deterrent and are easy to grow. Not only will they keep your home looking beautiful all season long, you will also be able to harvest the herbs and use them in your culinary creations to your taste buds delight! 

Your garden planting is not limited to just herbs this time of year. Flowers and vegetable transplants can be safely planted in container pots or in the ground right now too. Snapdragons, asters, petunias, impatiens will add color and beauty all summer long. Be sure to start with well drained soil for your plants optimal health. Adding a little fresh topsoil and covering your garden bed or container pots with mulch is always a good idea to keep your garden growing. Remember to use the plant sticks located in each pot as your guide for selecting the best plants for your location. The plant sticks will tell you the preferred sunlight & watering preferences along with expected size at maturity so you can garden like the pros! We are here to help with all of your garden needs from bagged topsoil to mulch, hay & straw covering to the plants themselves! Have a specific question? Ask one of our friendly sales associates or email your questions to us at info@alstedefarms.com 

If you have started veggies from seeds it’s time to move these seedlings outside to get acclimatized to the outdoors called “hardening off” in farmers terms. This process gradually exposes tender plants to the elements in increments making them ready for planting outdoors. This adjustment period should occur two weeks prior to planting outdoors and is easy as allowing them to spend a few hours outside each day starting increasing outdoor exposure as time goes on. Check this video out

Watch Miss Jenn show you how she goes about planting herbs in her pots outside of her kitchen to create a culinary canvas for her dishes!  Best wishes from our farm kitchen to yours!