Home> Recipes> Alstede Fresh Asparagus Pesto

Alstede Fresh Asparagus Pesto

1 bunch of Alstede Fresh asparagus cut into 1-2 inch pieces
4-6 cloves of garlic
1 1/2 c fresh snipped Alstede Fresh basil
1 T fresh snipped Alstede Fresh oregano
2-3 T fresh snipped Alstede Fresh parsley
1/4 c toasted walnuts, almonds, pine nuts (optional)
2-3 T Olive oil – choose a good quality
Salt and Pepper to taste

Parmesan Cheese, use whatever type you have on hand- shredded, shaved, etc. 


Blanch the asparagus for 2 or 3 minutes, immediately shock by placing it into an ice water bath. Drain and dry.

Peel the garlic and place in the bowl of a food processor. Process until minced.

Add the basil, oregano, and parsley, and continue to process slightly.

Add the nuts if using and the olive oil next and process all of the rest of the ingredients in the bowl, scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary.

Add the asparagus, saving some pieces to garnish the dish. Process to your desired texture.

Farm Kitchen Tip – I like to have a thick texture for my pesto and prefer to just gently pulse leaving the pesto mixture on the chunkier side for better appeal and mouth feel.

This pesto is great to serve on grilled chicken or fish or on prepared pork chops or tenderloin. If preferred, you may pair this pesto with grilled tofu or eggplant for a vegetarian alternative.

You may choose to use this pesto in the traditional method of adding to pasta. If so, here are those directions: Prepare pasta according to package directions, Save a little pasta water when draining water after cooking. Add 1 T butter and melt into the warm pasta. Mix in the pesto, a little of the pasta water, and top with reserved pieces of asparagus. Garnish with additional coarsely chopped herbs if desired and then serve with parmesan cheese and cracked black pepper.

Recipe by Miss Jenn Borrealo, Culinary & Educational Specialist at Alstede Farms

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