Home> Recipes> Apple Butter Apple Tart
Alstede Fresh Apples

Apple Butter Apple Tart

1 Package Puff Pastry
1/2 cup apple butter
2-3 baking apples, peeled cored and sliced thin
2 T butter
1 -2 T sugar

Open the package of Pepperidge Farm puff pastry and unfold. Separate the sections of the puff pastry and cut each section in half.
Spread dough with apple butter to within a 1/4 – 1/2” from the edge
Place sliced apples, overlapping slightly onto the apple butter and sprinkle with a little sugar. Dot with butter.
Bake @ 425 for 10-15 minutes. Glaze with warmed apple or apricot preserves.
Best if served the day they are prepared
Serve with just a little whipped cream or vanilla ice cream

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