Home> Recipes> Parmesan Garlic Spaghetti Squash

Parmesan Garlic Spaghetti Squash

From your share:
2 lb Spaghetti Squash

From your kitchen:
2 T Olive Oil
2 Cups button mushrooms,
chopped bite size
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
1/4 c parmesan cheese grated

From your garden:
Handful of flat leaf parsley finely chopped
1 Tablespoon fresh thyme

Preheat the oven to 380, In a large pan or deep skillet, add the olive oil, garlic and thyme. Cook for 2 minutes over high heat and add mushrooms. Cook until mushrooms are golden brown (about 7-8 minutes). Turn off the heat and set aside.

Put the spaghetti squash on a baking tray and pierce the skin a few time using a knife. Bake for about 1 hour, until squash can be pierced with a knife.
Take squash out of the oven and let cool to room temperature. Cut in half and get rid of the seeds. Use a fork to scrape the squash into strings.
Add squash to the skillet (or pan), turn the heat to high and quickly fry with mushrooms. Sprinkle parmesan while sautéing for a minute.




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